Antelope Valley Press

Suspicious of husband’s friendship

Annie Lane Send your questions for Annie Lane to

Dear Annie: For the past seven months, I’ve been having issues with my husband of 19 years. I found out seven months ago he’s been talking to an old female friend. He claims that she’s just a friend and that he’s interacting with her only via text and calls and that nothing is going on.

Every time I ask him about it, he gets upset and says that he just can’t take all this anymore and he’s about ready to leave.

He’s mentioned her a couple of times throughout the years I’ve known him, but I’ve never thought anything about it until seven months ago.

And he’s known her for 30 years. And he has a history with her. I think there’s more going on than he is letting on. Anyways, we plan on going to see her on vacation in another state.

And he asked me if I wanted to go. Does that mean anything? Should I go? I’m just confused about this whole situation.

— Feeling Green

With Jealousy

Dear Feeling Green:

Jealousy is certainly rearing its ugly head. Continue to talk to him openly about your feelings.

He shouldn’t just threaten you that he is ready to leave.

Instead, he should try to reassure you, showing you extra affection and being responsive to your fears and insecurities.

With all that said, you should trust him in what he says and believe that she is just a friend.

If you do not and you know in your gut there is more, then it is time to seek the help of a professional counselor.

This “friend” seems to be bringing up issues between the two of you that need to be ironed out.





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