Antelope Valley Press

Commission OKs tentative tract map

By JULIE DRAKE Valley Press Staff Writer

LANCASTER — The city’s Planning Commission approved a tentative tract map to subdivide an approximately 20-acre parcel of land at the northwest corner of 60th Street West and Avenue K-12, into 86 single-family lots in the R-7,000 zone.

The project, submitted by applicant Royal Investors Group LLC, would include extending 62nd Street West and Hampton Street to the south and constructing new streets L, M and N and a new Avenue K-12 cul-desac.

The Planning Commission also approved a variance for the reduction of corner lot width and lot depth standards. In addition, they certified the project’s Environmental Impact Report.

Chairman James Vose noted the proposed project package they received and reviewed was 371 pages-long.

“This project has been in the mill for a year and a half,” he said.

He added there were 300 pages in the draft environmental document and the final document, including the mitigation monitoring program.

“I was most interested in reading the California De

partment of Fish and Wildlife’s comments,” Vose said. “I hope the state allows folks from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to actually go out into the field and take a look at a piece of property before they spend tens of thousands of dollars of our taxpayers’ money writing a letter, which doesn’t apply to the project. A pond on the property? Give us a break.”

Commissioner Rutger Parris sought to clarify that the project’s frontage would meet lot requirements.

A resident who lives north of the proposed project site expressed concern about traffic and safety.

“For safety, I have witnessed and heard a lot of high speed driving and/or racing on 60th Street West and on Avenue L between 60th and 70th on a routine basis,” the woman said.

From a traffic standpoint, adding more houses to the area would add to already heavy traffic.

“What are you expecting? Are you asking for more lanes on 60th,” Parris said.

He asked whether adding more residents in the area could reduce high speed travel.

The speaker added she could not make that claim.

“I don’t have any confidence that adding additional residential area is going to create a solution,” she said.





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